Starve the Ego Feed the Soul
Starve the Ego Feed the Soul
The Roaring Soul with Ariel Mierendorf
If you are interested in signing up for my Navigating Grief and Loss Course go here https://www.nicobarraza.com/grieflosscourse
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This week's guest is Ariel Mierendorf. Ariel has been battling a rare form of cancer for over a year now and I first came across her story via a shared post on Facebook. After reading some of Ariel's writings about here journey on her page https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/arielmdorf
I immediately felt inspired by her outlook and mindset around dealing with so much around her physical and emotional health.
You can connect with Ariel on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/the_roaring_soul/
She also teaches an online meditation class that you can sign up for here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMuc-iqqzgtGNdvr3GSqyVJzsIvRCXxeoZX?fbclid=PAAabG9k1rB7C6vCqq6dzteOjo79h2NyX7QsAXvdsJu5DW2Bw5Y8l4Ny6Qk-w
Nico Barraza